Today’s Lineup (scroll down for the embeds):
10am LIVE! (Simulcast to X Only): 01/20/2025 Biden Pardons Fauci, J6 Committee | Kristan T Harris Checks In From Trump Inauguration | AM Wakeup
11am ET clip premiere: Palestinian Authority Proves LOYALTY To Israel | INN News
6pm ET clip premiere: Sam Husseini & Max Blumenthal EJECTED From Blinken’s Final Presser. Journalism Is Not A Crime | How Did We Miss That
10am LIVE! (Simulcast to X Only): 01/20/2025 Biden Pardons Fauci, J6 Committee | Kristan T Harris Checks In From Trump Inauguration | AM Wakeup
11am ET clip premiere: Palestinian Authority Proves LOYALTY To Israel | INN News
and6pm ET clip premiere: Sam Husseini & Max Blumenthal EJECTED From Blinken’s Final Presser. Journalism Is Not A Crime | How Did We Miss That
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