INN ON THE GROUND: AntiWar Rally in Washington, DC 3/18/23 | Videos & Tweets from INN Member @BigMadCrab, who attended | @GetIndieNews
Sponsored by The ANSWER Coalition, CODE PINK & endorsed by over 200 organizations, coverage of the demonstration at the White House, march & learning session
Speeches below from (recorded by
) :Eugene Puryear, Breakthrough News
Margaret Kimberly, Black Agenda Report
Reverend Annie Chambers, former Black Panther
Dr. Jill Stein, former Green Party Presidential Candidate
Medea Benjamin, CODE PINK
Democratic Socialists & U of Houston Students of a Democratic Society
Afeni Evans, Veteran & Activist
Gabriel Shipton, brother of Julian Assange
Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement
Dr. Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance & Clearing the FOG Podcast

@answercoalition rally march at 14th and K Streets, NW in Washington, DC
Recorded by @ogbonna_collin

irl NAFO troll comes to heckle long time organizer @medeabenjamin at a rally literally called “Peace In Ukraine”